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Welcome to the official homepage of BattleSphere™, a 3D networked space battle game for the Jaguar and possibly other platforms.

BattleSphere™ BattleSphere Gold™
JUGS™ 4Play/ScatoLOGIC Demo CD™

Click on the icons to view product descriptions

After 6 years' struggle with bad documentation, worse tech support, corporate buyouts, the headache of the Jaguar's encryption, the short supply and painful expense of cartridge components, and some rather vocal nay-sayers, we have at last manufactured the game! We also walked to school uphill in the snow both ways, if you must know.

Just as a reminder, we're contributing all of our after-tax profits from BattleSphere™ to diabetes research!

Special thanks to Leo Medico for his fantastic contribution to this worthy cause!!!

Randy Femrite's awesome License Plate
BattleSphere Fan Randy Femrite shows he is very enthusiastic about BattleSphere!
Copyright 2000-2005 4Play/ScatoLOGIC Inc.