Next Generation Online's BattleSphere Preview |
Having never previously seen BattleSphere
in person, I am impressed by the way it SCREAMS quality. Every single screen, every
single menu.
- Jesse |
The graphics are AMAZING. I really didn't
think the Jag was capable of this level of graphics.. while it doesn't make me confuse my
Dreamcast with the Jag, it definitely takes the system to a level that nothing else comes
close to... The manual alone is GREAT. Very well written and looks EXTREMELY professional.
I don't think any of the Atari manuals were this good...
- Justin Scott |
I Love this game! This has got to be the
best Quality game ever made for the Jag! Doug, the manual is perfect! Stef, the music is
absolutely amasing! The graphics are even better than I remember from the World of Atari!
Scott, the game is as smooth as silk! Congratulations on a master piece of coding!
- Greg Bouray |
Classic Gaming Online's BattleSphere Review by Mike Dolce
Note: Currently Offline
I was very happy to find my copy of B.S.
in the mail and can tell you that my jaguar has never been played so hard. This game sits
in the same class as Tie Fighter and that is saying a lot (tie being my all time fav). The
graphics and control are perfect, the enemy A.I. is great, I am having more fun then I
thought I would, this game has exceeded my expectations. Am I playing this on the jaguar
or am I on the PC? top notch game, that will keep you busy for a long time, Still have to
beat T-birds high score.
- RayNET |
Anybody that says the Jag is only as
powerful as an SNES has obviously never seen this game in action. It could easily be a 2nd
generation PSX title. I don't really know where to begin. The music is excellent, the box,
artwork, and in game menus are top notch, and of course the game itself is truly awesome.
Oh, I also immediately recognized the sound of a starbase being destroyed! Haven't heard
that in quite some time. Only problem is that I suck. I have always been good at driving
games, but the 3D flight sims have never been a strong point for me. I'll be spending a
LOT of time in the training mode.
- Stephen Anderson |
I've got systems from 2600 to Dreamcast,
and IMO Battlesphere, after 2 days of gameplay, has more depth and is of higher higher
quality than every 3D Jaguar game, and is one of the better console games ever made to
boot. I'd definitely put it in the top 5% of the hundreds and hundreds of console games
I've played. Seriously. This game is amazing, and my opinion rises higher all the time!
- Jesse |
The Atari Times BattleSphere Review by Greg George |
It is an awesome game, Especially for the
hardware it has to run on. The jag is powerfull, but not easy to work with. (all this
second hand from those in the know) It rocks, responsive, awesome colors and resolution.
It's a challenge to play, which is good. And just watching things blow up is a scream. And
remember, there is like five different ways to play it, single or network. I am proud to
own BS Cart#1.
- Leo |
I can't stress enough how top-notch
professional everything looks, from the package to the game itself. Although I doubt Atari
would've allowed a lot of those funny lines in the manual.
- Brian R |
But it is very apparent the people who
brought us the game put their Heart and Soul in it. Quality title by far! I compare it to
like the first time I play Tempest 2K! I was amazed and I bought a Jaguar to play it! I
would do the same for Battlesphere!
- Tim |
I never thought there would be a game on
the Jag more addicting than Tempest 2000 but BattleSphere tops it. The largest thanks
humanly possible to Doug, Scott and Stephanie for getting this game too us all. All your
talents continue to amaze me further with every level I progress. Ok. If I haven't said or
alluded to it by now, now it's official. BATTLESPHERE IS THE GREATEST GAME I HAVE EVER OR
WILL EVER PLAY! BattleSphere teaches. Simply put you need to learn techniques, strategies
to get further. But it doesn't stop there. You need to change your strategies for the same
races as they become smarter. Every level, late in the Gauntlet mode, forces you to
rethink your technique, become aware of what the enemy is doing to you differently and
counter punch. This is what makes BattleSphere so great. Sure, the gameplay is top notch,
the graphics are amazing for being on the Jaguar, the sound effects and music add to the
complete package for an overall highest quality title. But it is the purely genius coding
for difficulty that blows me away. Maybe I've read too much into the teaching aspect of
the game, but it is the way I seen it and the reason why I've found success at this
demanding game.
- Micah Rowe |
Kingdom Atari BattleSphere Review
I've only played it for about an hour so
far (a little bit of Gauntlet and some Pilot Training), but it's definitely made a good
impression. The game just oozes quality. From the artwork, to the graphical effects on the
menus, to the music, to even the manual and box, it's a first-class effort.
- Sal Manfredonia |
I am completely impressed with everything
about it so far...the manual, the box, the cart label, the speed my order arrived...oh
yeah, and the game is great. Great Job!
- Jason Parlee |
BattleSphere is just plain fun. With the
numerous options, play modes, and ships (I really like the various designs, from mild to
wild:) and the awesome gameplay this game won't be collecting too much dust on the shelf.
It's also nice to know that that my purchase of BattleSphere also helped the JDF.
- 'Cuda Man |
You won't beleive this is a jaguar game
once your flying around at 60fps!!! Like the faq says This is an Excellent game worth
every penny if not more. It is great to see such an awesome game made for a system that
really deserved it. I can only hope there will be more like it in the future.
- Chad Tindle |
Jagu-Dome BattleSphere Preview by Randy Femrite
IMHO, this game is the killer graphics
application for the Jaguar. Wait until you fight against a squadron of superships with
extremely low frame rate slow down.... And those explosions are a godsend- no standard
Jaguar fire effects recycled from Cybermorph, Iron Soldier, and Trevor McFur...
- Fard Muhommad |
My summary- the game lives up to reasoned
expectations, it may not impress PC users who've played the latest space epics utilising
high-end 3D accelerators on a P3-600, but had it come out 3 years ago, it would... The
problem is just in persuading such friends to try the game, once they play I'm sure
they'll love it too. This game is a definite must-have, just like Tempest 2000, and
secrets and a sensible attitude to resumed access to levels means that you can come back
anytime, without the frustration of repeating boring action.
- Richard |
I've played it for about an hour or so
now. Wow. It's quite incredible. I've adapted to it pretty well though and have gone
through 10 Gauntlet levels, a few pilot training levels and tried flying about 10
different ships. My favorite race right now is the Thunder-Birds and the Oppressors (and
their DAMN sperm ships) are still my main adversary. As I was playing the game, I took a
step back and thought about it. Battlesphere is really "Battlesphere 1",
"Battlesphere 2", and "Battlesphere: Rage Wars" all combined into one.
I was completely amazed by the quality of each of the games. They were even better then I
remembered. 4Play could've easily sold it as three seperate packages, and every one of
them would've been in my top 10 Jag games. Impressive!
- Dan Loosen |
JagFest '98 BattleSphere Preview by Dave Homenuck
I received my copy about a week ago and
the game is truly astonishing on many levels. The ease with which performance is coaxed
out of the Jaguar is virtually unmatched on the system(the game feels completely natural
and at home on the Jaguar--NOT an easy feat). The music sets a great mood but never gets
in your face or on your nerves (I laughed the first time I heard my Jaguar call me a
"loser" Nice touch, guys!:)). The gameplay--what's really important--is
phenomenal! This is a FUN GAME! And the fact that my money is going to combat juvenile
diabetes is just beyond comprehension. Are there any losers in this situation? I can't
find any!
- Big I |
I am quite impressed by the music (its
catchy), graphics, and total professional packaging. One weapon sound in particular
brought back some good Atari memories. Sometimes the laser sound can be a little much -
but it could just be my old t.v.'s fault. Of course this game shines where it really
counts - gameplay. The controls and display are easy to get the hang of and set up
logically. The real skill comes in thinking up a bunch of strategies to kill the enemy and
not get killed yourself. Then trying to vary that strategy depending on the situation and
- Addie |
Finally after getting the game weeks ago,
have I got a chance to play BattleSphere networked. My friend and I played different
variations of free for all from about 12:30 to 5:00 AM! This game is totally insane
networked! I thought just playing one player was cool, doing AATE and Gauntlet, but
getting it networked is pure magic! We had such a blast playing...we both agree that it is
definitley the best space sim...Ever. I just can't think of anything better gameplay wise.
- Jagman |