
Scott Le Grand is a giant
disembodied eyeball that frequently assumes human form. Marooned on
this planet in the mid-1960s he pioneered the development of the Slinky,
plaid, and Visine. In recent years he got mixed up with a crime
syndicate intending to make money off networked video games on the Jaguar,
but we all know what happened there. These days he mutters
frequently as he constructs a vessel with which to return

Douglas Engel
is the result of a WWII atomic weapons experiment gone horribly wrong. Wandering aimlessly
for the rest of the 40's and Early 50's, he finally found his niche in
Winston Cup Racing, where he won 6 championships in a row from 1958-63
driving a Thunderbird. His life was tragically cut short in February of
1964 in a spectacular crash in the Daytona 500. He mysteriously
re-animated as a newborn later that year, and has since dedicated his life
to his art, his programming, and designing videogames. He hopes to travel
to Scott's homeworld one day soon, where they might be able to stop that
strange green glow that surrounds him in the

Stephanie Wukovitz
is a harmless tiny gelatinous green nocturnal creature usually found curled
into fetal position and surrounded by audio equipment,
computers. coffee, and Diet Pepsi. When not consuming caffeine,
annoying protein crystallographers, proving that 0=1, or wasting time
online, she creates music and audio for videogames, commercials, and other
strange and mysterious projects. She was last seen trying to
reach the counter in a coffee shop as Scott waited impatiently outside in
his spaceship.
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