September 30, 2003 - It saddens us to announce that we've run out of stock of key materials and have no way to obtain more. Sadly, Jaguar products are no longer being developed, manufactured, or sold by ScatoLOGIC. It's been wonderful doing business with all of those who supported us through the years. The support you've given us more than outweighs the resentment and vitriol we've encountered. Thank you to all our customers!
February 21, 2003 - ScatoLOGIC Inc., the premier Jaguar Developer,
is pleased to announce the newest accessory to their vast line of Jaguar products: the
ScatoLOGIC ScatBox.
ScatBox is a multi-function peripheral which combines networking,
RS-232 serial port, audio expansion, video expansion, and copy protection
all in a single high quality package. ScatBox is the only accessory on
the market which follows the Catnet network specification which allows more than two
consoles to network and play the multi-console
games in 4Play/ScatoLOGIC BattleSphere / BattleSphere Gold,
and Midnite Entertainment Air Cars.
ScatBox does it all, and it even works with the BCD Catbox device
you already own!
The limited edition ScatBox is available for a limited time only, so get one
now, or pay hundreds more to get one from an online auction later!!!
For complete details about the ScatoLOGIC ScatBox, please visit The ScatBOX Product Information Page
For answers to all your ScatoLOGIC ScatBox questions, take a look at The ScatBOX FAQ
To check availability and place an order, please go to The ScatBox Homepage
For information on the complete line of ScatoLOGIC Products, please visit The ScatoLOGIC Homepage
March 15, 2002 - Today is the day of the eagerly anticipated debut of BattleSphere Gold, the Director's Edition of our smash-hit BattleSphere. BattleSphere Gold contains
countless graphical and speed ehhancements, multiple hidden games, over double the secret codes, as well as many minor bug fixes
and of course the amazing JUGS DD Jaguar CD encryption / verification
eliminator. BattleSphere Gold is a unique collector's item, available for a
limited time. Be sure to secure a copy before they are all sold out.
March 14, 2002 - ScatoLOGIC Inc. is pleased to announce the addition of their first CD software title to their line of Jaguar products. The 4Play / ScatoLOGIC Demo CD is
the first new Jaguar CD title to hit the market since 1997, and is the first
unencrypted title to ever be released by anyone. The ability will soon be
available for anyone to play an unencrypted CD title by means of a bypass
code, so there is a huge need for new CD titles. ScatoLOGIC has sensed this
need and has produced a Demo Disc packed with exciting and nostalgic Jaguar
demos which are sure to please even the most discriminating Jaguar Enthusiast.
The 4Play / ScatoLOGIC Demo Disc contains many of your old favorites like
Sinister Development's Slam Racer Demo, Duranik's Native Demo, and
ScatoLOGIC's BattleSphere Engine Demo. Also included are several never
released Developer Demos, like the JAZ 3D / Sound Demo, the FulSyn Synth Demo,
and the 4Play / ScatoLOGIC Music Player Mark ][!
September 8, 2000 - Our latest endeavour, Folderol,
has been mentioned in the news. Check out the story on MSNBC.com.
and tell us what you think!
August 16, 2000 - The second production run of BattleSphere
carts is now completed. From the overwelming majority of users responding to
our request for input on Jaguar Interactive II ,
it has been made clear that the fairest method for distribute the latest batch of cartridges
is going to be to hold auctions on Atari.Net Auctions.
Scott and Steph are in the process of selling their home and moving out of state, so to make life
easier on them, the carts will be acutioned off in lots of around 10 at a time, over the next few weeks.
Keep your eyes peeled, and good luck bidding!
July 5, 2000 - A supplier has been located with a number of 27C160 EPROMS at a reasonable
price. Therefore we will soon be able to begin production on another batch of BattleSphere Cartridges.
We have all of the supplies we need to the second batch, but we do not feel that this batch will be
large enough to meet the current demand. Therefore, we would like everyone to head on over to
Jaguar Interactive II, and post your opinions on
how we should distribute the next batch. Thanks!
April 4, 2000 - The initial production run of BattleSphere
cartridges has completely SOLD OUT.
Thank you to all of the great people who supported us through the
long process of bringing this game to market.
We did not expect the number of orders to be quite this high, so we have not
been able to meet all of the demand. However, we are attempting to locate a
supplier for 27C160 EPROMS, so that we can build a second batch of cartridges.
This chips are somewhat scarce, and have gone up in price considerably, since
our last order. Hopefully, we will locate a source and produce more cartridges.
February 29, 2000 - BattleSphere is done! Please check our
Press Releases page for the complete story!
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